Deeply Rooted
"When the roots are deep, there is no reason to fear the wind."
You've heard the saying, "Made with love." It implies that things that are made with love are special; better. Our grapes, and therefore our wines, are no exception.
A lot of time and attention go into these vines. It's part trial-and-error, part luck, part science, and a lot of passion. What started as a fun "project" has quickly turned into a family love. From the attentiveness the vineyard needs throughout the year to the rewards we reap when enjoying our wines around the Thanksgiving table (and beyond), it truly is a "labor of love".
With science in our bloods and nature in our souls, we come together each year to prune, weed, train, and protect the vines; and then again to harvest and process the grapes. It's not just about the wine (although obviously that's a huge bonus), it's about the love and the time together.

The Nevins
Follow us on Instagram @westslopevineyard